Saturday, February 16, 2008


Workflow engines such as Microsoft's WF (Workflow Foundation) are only rarely used these days. Most developers totally underestimate their power. However, in an integrated world where processes respectively workflows increasingly need to connect disparate heterogeneous applications, just hard coding these workflows in traditional languages such as Java does not make any sense. First of all, coding in Java or C# requires programming skills, while often business analysts are the ones in charge of business processes. And secondly, hard coding in Java, C#, C++ implies that all changes must happen in source code with the code base representing a beast containing both business logic and workflow related content.  

Before covering the meat of this posting, I need to define what I understand by a workflow. By the way, I will use the terms workflow and business process interchangeably as I don't consider the differences stated by other authors very convincing.

If we just refer to Wikipedia we will find the following definition:

  • A workflow is a reliably repeatable pattern of activity enabled by a systematic organization of resources, defined roles and mass, energy and information flows, into a work process that can be documented and learned. Workflows are always designed to achieve processing intents of some sort, such as physical transformation, service provision, or information processing.

Sounds rather confusing, right? Let me try my own definition.

  • A workflow defines a set of correlated activities each of which representing a (composite) component that takes input, transforms it, and sends the result via its output ports to subsequent activities. Transitions to an activity may be triggered implicitly by (human or machine initiated events) or by explicit transfer of control
  • Workflows can be considered as a Pipes & Filters architecture with the filters being the activities and the pipes being the communication channels between them
  • All activities within a workflow share the same context such as common resources
  • Workflows are (composite) activities themselves
  • A workflow language is a DSL that allows to declaratively express workflows. Examples include BPEL, ARIS, or XAML as used in WF
  • A workflow runtime manages the (local) execution and lifetime of workflow instances

In fact, a workflow closely resembles traditional program code with the statements being the activities. 

A typical real-life example is visiting a restaurant.

  1. The workflow starts when you enter the restaurant and arrive at the "wait to be seated" sign.
  2. The waitress will now ask you whether you have a reservation.
  3. If yes, she will look up the reservation and escort you to your table
  4. If no, she will try to determine whether a table is available
  5. If yes, she will escort you to the table
  6. If no, she may ask you to come back later => stop
  7. The waitress will provide you with a menu
  8. At the same time, another waitress might offer you water
  9. ...

You will recognize easily that UML activity diagrams could be used to design workflows. Activities are either triggered by events or by active commands (e.g., you ask the waitress to bring you another beer which is like an event or she could ask you if you need anything else which is more like an "invocation"). Thus, you could either use such a diagram to express a workflow or maybe a more domain-specific kind of language/model such as BPEL. This language could be graphical, textual, audio-based, and so forth.

The advantage of a (domain-specific) language is obvious. It is much easier for domain experts to express the workflows themselves. Moreover, the workflow descriptions could be either used to generate the actual code or to execute the workflow in a runtime engine.

Sometimes workflow transitions depend on conditions such as "if customer is a special guest, give him a window table." These conditions however might also be subject to change. Coding such conditions in activities thus reveals the same problems as coding workflows in C# or Java. As a consequence, we should also specify such rules in a declarative fashion. This is where Business Rules Engines enter the stage. Business rules might be explicitly expressible in a workflow language or just be hidden in special activity types.

How can we retrieve the workflows in the act of architecture creation. User stories, Use cases and scenarios, help determing the workflow in a system. Which of these should be hard coded and which ones should be better implemented using a Workflow language, depends on requirements, frequency of change, required variability, and other factors, questions a software architect needs to address.

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