Friday, June 18, 2010

I have been upgraded

Because I got so many questions on this: Most recently, my name got a little bit longer. The University of Groningen in the Netherlands (RuG, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) has appointed me Professor Extraordinarius. Thus, I am now member of the Bernoulli Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences where I will give lectures and more.

If you now ask: this is in addition to my main profession at Siemens which by the way supported me in achieving the position. Of course, I am very glad to cooperate with Paris Avgeriou who is a professor himself at the RUG. Another personal friend and promoter, Jan Bosch, is member of the same institute. Needless to say, that Paris and Jan are internationally renowned software architecture experts with whom it is a lot of fun to work together. I am quite impressed by their knowledge and expertise, they also use to distribute to their students.

My appointment was greatly supported by Nicolai Petkov, another professor at RuG, whom I really like and respect. After the deans of all Computer Science Instititutes in other Dutch Universities  had agreed to my appointment after checking my C/V and my References I finally received the appointment letter.

The RuG is quite famous for its research on software engineering, in particular in Product Line Engineering. Not to forget all the RuG offspring such as Jan Ommering and a lot of other great Product Line gurus. I do not only enjoy that but also the Dutch mentality and great hospitality whenever I am in Groningen. Only a few weeks ago I’ve been there to give lectures to students as I already mentioned in my last blog post.

Thus, I will be able in the future to support Ph.D students, master students as well as postdocs. They may learn from my experiences, but I will also learn a lot from them. You could call that a Win-Win situation.

So that’s the big news.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Teaching Students in Software Architecture

This week I have been giving lectures on software architecture for master and PhD students at the Rijksuniversiteit in Groningen (RuG). It worked excellent and it was a lot of fun. I teached them systematic software architecture design, design tactics and introduced a pattern system for distributed and concurrent systems. What worked particularly well was the split into a presentation part and a tutorial part - each lasting 2 hours per day - where participants were designing example projects in groups of up to 5 people. This way, they would not only learn about architecture design, but also about group interaction. In fact, many problems in software architecture are caused by people issues such as lack of (efficient) communication.

They will also get a group assignment and an individual assignment for the time until end of June.The former one will comprise completing the architecture design and providing an architecture description while the individual assigment requires students to create a design essay on an architectural quality (in the context of their example project).

I received positive feedback that I did not introduce just a bunch of unrelated patterns but narrated a pattern story of how to apply patterns for the design of middleware and distributed systems. From my viewpoint, this is the best method to educate students that patterns are not just disconnected islands of code, at least they shouldn't be. Most of the power of patterns comes from using systems of patterns. Pattern languages would be even more attractive, but unfortunately there is only a bunch of them and the ones existing are really complex.

For the lecturer it is important to be constantly available for the exercise groups during the tutorial parts. I got a lot of questions about architecture design, modeling and documentation. It is pretty close to architecture enforcement. You cannot simply throw an (exercise) specification over the fence and expect attendees to exactly understand all issues. Management by walking around is much more effective.

As material for the course I relied on the excellent Software Architecture in Practice book, 2nd edition, by Len Bass,  Paul Clements and Rick Kazman and of course - needless to say - on our POSA book series (Pattern-oriented Software Architecture). Using POSA patterns is beneficial in that it shows  that the pattern community does not only depend on the GoF pattern book.

In summary, the mixture of conceptual parts and exercise parts works nicely to educate students about software architecture.
Looking forward to providing more lectures in ths future and keeping in touch with the students.