Saturday, January 30, 2010

Back from the OOP 2010

This year’s OOP conference in Munich has been a lot of fun. I met Markus Völter, Stefan Tilkov, Floyd Marinescu, Jan Bosch, Eric Evans, Philippe Kruchten, Roman Pichler, Peter Hruschka, Kersten Auel, Rene Schönfeldt,  Klaus Rohe, Matthias Bohlen, Gernot Starke, Jutta Eckstein, Nico Josuttis, Gregor Hohpe, Robert C. Martin, Matthias Bohlen, Kevlin Henney and my good ole friend Frank Buschmann. Especially the networking part was overwhelming. So many speakers and participants you can learn from.The talks and keynotes are definitely helpful to hear about new trends, perspectives and experiences. But the personal communication is the essence of such conferences. That’s the reason why I don’t believe in online events. Sure, it’s a nice add-on but it cannot substitute the “human” factor. In the middle of the week we had a meeting of the Siemens Senior Software Architects where I enjoyed meeting some of the aforementioned celebrities but also the smart senior architects within Siemens who do excellent work day by day. They might not be that much in the limelight, but those people are  the real heroes of software engineering among all those “nameless” other heroes such as development heads, team leads, testers or developers. As Jan mentioned: there are two types of architects. Those talking about software architecture and those practicing it. Fortunately, I am a hybrid belonging to both types.

This year’s keynotes  offered excellent quality. I’ll never forget Uncle Bob’s entertaining talk on the polyglot programmer where he dived into the history of programming languages in a very entertaining way. Or two speakers from Zühlke Engineering who presented a great keynote on functional programming. Not to forget Gernot Starke with his talk on software architects and stealing in your neighbor’s garden. Unfortunately, I could not make it to his keynote but from what I heard it was one of the highlights.

Most of the topics presented in talks and tutorials covered the typical topics you’d expect. Cloud Computing and Functional Programming as well as Agility represented the hot topics. What I liked most were all these more practice-oriented talks offering some insights for practioners and also revealing some real life show cases. For instance, I enjoyed Kurt Höpli’s talk on building and controlling environmental sensors in a project in Switzerland. And I also experienced a lot of fun in Markus Völter’s talk on how to apply Model-Driven-Software-Development  within an embedded systems context. Never I will forget how Eric Evans and Hans Dockter presented Domain-Driven-Design convincing some attendees to participate as actors. And I’ll remember also Lothar Mieske who presented the real look-and-feel of all those Cloud Computing platforms. I could add much more but this should give you an impression and suffice as a pars pro toto.

Personally, I have been very busy the week. First, I gave a full-day tutorial on Software Architecture – From Requirements to Architecture. It was the tutorial with the largest numbers of attendees. This makes interaction somewhat difficult but nonetheless worked much better than expected. My talk on Hitchhiker’s Guide to Cloud Computing had about 80-100 attendees. To my pleasure the Global Technology Field Cluster Lead of my organization also attended the talk. For me, it was the biggest surprise that the talk “Introduction to Scala” had attracted so many people. I was totally electrified and I mean this literally cos’ static charge hit me whenever I pressed the page-down key. When people are interested, I will record this talk with Camtasia and publish the video clip in YouTube and other media. All in all, I got really overwhelming feedback. Thank you to all attendees for their nice evaluation sheets :-)

Next year the OOP will celebrate its 20th anniversary. Hope that many of you will join the event. It is really an extraordinary experience.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stakeholder-specific Communication

Communication is one of the most importants aspects of software architecture design. The architecture itself is a means of communicating design decisions to customers, product managers, project managers, testers, integrators, and developers. However, these stakeholders have different expectations regarding the software architecture. While developers need a clear guideline how to implement the architecture design, customers may be more interested how (well) the software meets their requirements. The software architecture documentation and all other means of communication such as presentations must cover these various perspectives. To address such broad spectrum of interests, architects could provide a specific document for each particular kind of stakeholder which leads to an unacceptable amount of effort and time. This is why documents should rather explain the architecture decisions - the "what", the "how" and the "why" - in a top-down approach and add a guide-to-the-reader motivating who (i.e. which stakeholder) should read what in which order. For presentations or other forms of communication it might be worthwhile to introduce a specific variant for each stakeholder. A project manager or customer is typically not that interested in all those strategic and tactical design destails, while developers need all the information they can get. Thus, communication between architects and other stakeholders should take the stakeholder-specific interests into account. This implies, that architects need to have a clear understanding of these interests before starting documenting or communicating. Otherwise, they won't get buy-in for their software architecture by these different stakeholders. Personally, I have experienced so many projects where managers couldn't follow and understand what the architects told them overwhelmed by details they did not (have to) care about. And I also have been in so many meetings where software architects introduced high-level abstractions that could not provide the details developers and testers expected.
As a prerequisite it is necessary to ensure a common understanding of terminology. Did you ever attend a meeting where different participants had a different understanding of terms? Communication will not work and succeed when one person is speaking english, while the communication's target can only understand spanish. This might be obvious for real languages, but it is often underestimated for domain-specific languages. Did you once try to read and understand (!) a treatment record of your physician? He speaks english, you speak english, but this won't help you much. As a consequence, introducing a domain-specific language is valuable and essential. It does not have to be a full-blown language in the strict formal sense, but often it makes sense to offer more than just a glossary. The core functional architecture should represent the problem domain.
As a consequence, all communication between architects and stakeholders must happen in a stakeholder-specific way. When giving a presentation on the software architecture, make sure you know the target audience and their interests. Don't assume, other types of stakeholders understand software architecture the way you do. You are the doctor and they are the patients, so-to-speak. Communication may succeed or fail. The risk of failure can only be minimized if you can take and understand the perspective of your communication partners.
Obviously, these statements also hold for other kinds of communication. Have you ever tried to explain to your spouse why you need that cool new gadget for several hundred bucks? Try that by telling her/him the technical specifications. Won't work very well, right? What we take for granted in such situations (i.e., adapting the communication to your communication partner), represents also a conditio-sine-qua-non in software engineering. So, better mind the stakeholder-specific communication in the future :-)

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Real Software Engineers

  • Real software engineers don’t need safety nets. Instead, they are ready to face all dangers and risks without any fear. For this reason, they dislike (unit) testing, because (unit) testing is for pussies (i.e., those who do not trust their own code.) Since real software engineers never make mistakes, testing would be a mere waste of time.
  • Real software engineers won’t document their design, because these designs contain an incredible amount of design pearls other mortals would not be able to comprehend, anyway.
  • Nor do real software engineers read other design documents nor manuals, either because their fellow engineers did not provide documentation or because they do not trust these documents.
  • Instead, their main guidelines are:
    • All you need is code
    • Bubbles don’t crash
  • Real software engineers do not check or prioritize requirements. Instead, they got intuition for customers’ needs which drives all their activities.
  • Real Software Engineers do not communicate (much) with other stakeholders, because other stakeholders are just obstacles on the way to project completion. That’s also the reason why real software engineers hate meetings.
  • Real software engineers do rarely speak English, German, …. They rather express themselves using C#, Java, C++, …
  • Real Software Engineers feel more comfortable in the solution domain. Their goal is to provide solutions instead of getting lost in problem domains. This is why they prefer playing around with solution technologies.
  • Real software engineers can turn any problem into a nail for which they can use their favourite hammer.
  • Real software engineers do not need software architecture because a predefined architecture would just limit their creativity. A good architecture is always created ad-hoc for solving real problems in a pragmatic way.
  • Real software engineers do not foster re-use. First of all, re-use has never worked in practice. And secondly, re-using design or code typically requires more resources than reinventing the wheel. This is often due to the fact that re-usable artifacte were created by other real software engineers who failed to document their work.
  • Real software engineers won’t read this blog because in the time needed for reading, they could add another feature to their software.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Architecture Documentation Revisited

Did you ever read a novel which later has been used as foundation for a movie? I bet, you were rather disappointed how the movie differed from your reading experience and thus from your expectations.

Did you ever read an architecture document – yes, there is vague evidence and hope that something such as architecture documents exists – and then compared the documented design with the implemented system?

In software architecture design, documents are not just by-products created for write-only brain dumps.  Instead, they are supposed to be read by someone – a fact that might be surprising for some engineers.

Architecture documents serve as the basic means for communicating architectural decisions, i.e. they explain the “what” and the “why” – aka design rationale. Target audience of architecture documents are foremost all stakeholders, not just the authors themselves.

In addition, those documents should be up-to-date. Did you ever struggled through 100s of pages of a design document, and right after you finished, someone told you, the document was outdated?

Does this mean, we should adapt the documentation after each change? No, it only implies, architecture documents should be updated regularly. Consider versioning architecture documents in this context!

An architecture specification should also be subject for testing. Don’t take testing too literally! What I suggest is that documents are being reviewed for their usability/readability, internal consistency and completeness, as well as their consistency with the actual implementation. Needless to mention, that the reviewers shouldn’t be the authors but a selection of stakeholders.

Always use the right style of documentation depending on purpose and target audience. A user document that describes a system should contain tutorials as well as a reference manual. If no one understands it, the best design ever won’t help you much.

My strategy for documenting is to walk to the other side of the fence thinking about how a specific stakeholder would like to get the material presented. I am not writing the document for myself but for others, anyway. And I always take care of updating the documentation whenever the system has been updated to a new (minor or major) version. Readers should not be punished by reading my document but consider this as an entertaining and profitable activity. Reading design documents is fun or at least should be! Who claims, IT documents must always be written in a technical and boring style?

Remember: the most important capability of a software architect are communication skills. Documenting is one particular way of communicating.