Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pseudo Effectiveness

Do you know these co-workers who are always answering e-mail in the middle of the night, who are in their offices until midnight, who have so many contacts to customers, who have an infinite list of activities, who have their mobile phone directly integrated into their body, and who always tell you about the big work overload they have?  All those unknown heroes who always sacrifice their spare time on the altar of the god of infinite work?

Of course, many of us in the IT world are more busy than it proves to be healthy or effective. But occasionally people only claim to be active and involved, while in fact they are not. Unfortunately, it is not easy to differentiate between actual effectiveness and that kind of pseudo effectiveness. Sometimes, the one who does the job gets not promoted while the one presenting beautiful slides about the work results of others is.    Of course, you may also refer to the Peter principle in this context :-)

Why do I discuss pseudo effectiveness in this architecture blog? As an architect, you might experience high impact if there are people with high pseudo effectiveness involved in your projects. Think about outsourcing sites where you have the feeling that productivity is very low. Think about developers or architects who have the same skill level, but whose work results are completely different in terms of quantity and quality. Also think about job promotions where you got the gut feeling of being ignored while in fact you did an excellent job in contrast to this other guy.

But be aware of the fact that all of us are somehow guilty of pseudo effectiveness. A little chat with co-workers in the cafeteria, some daydreaming in front of the workstation, some Internet surfing. All this may count up to a significant amount of time during the day. But as you might remember from my previous posts breaks are important. I claim that productivity significantly drops when ignoring such kind of work-life balance.

How can you detect real pseudo effectiveness? The only way is by analyzing actual productivity. For which tasks has the person been responsible for and what are the actual outcomes? In this context, the goals should be defined in such a way so that there is no space for pseudo effectiveness. Someone who needs a week to write a simple letter may seem very active, while in fact being very ineffective and inefficient.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Design Pearls

If you ever have been to Florence, you surely have admired all those incredible ancient buildings fully covered with ornaments. In the past, constructing beautiful buildings has been en vogue. Today, we simply could not afford the costs required for such endeavors.

What holds true for building construction, is also applicable to software development. But software engineers don't consider themselves just as craftsmen, but also as artists. We strive for architectural beauty and aestethic design, not being satisfied with functional aspects.

While architecture beauty is an important achievement, improving qualities such as expressiveness, simplicity or symmetry, design pearls define the other extreme.
By design pearls I am referring to masterpieces of software design which don't stop just meeting the requirements, but also add unnecessary burden (or ornaments if you will) to the system.

While design pearls show the mastership of one single individual they are counterproductive for team development as they decrease simplicity (there are more artifacts than necessary for the given task) and symmetry (they don't follow the KiSS principle but try to constantly reinvent the wheel).

We can avoid design pearls by strictly following a requirements-driven approach. All architecture concepts in a system must be rooted in a concrete requirement. In addition, we should use patterns where useful. A pattern is a "complete disregard of originality". It just helps reusing common wisdom, instead of coming up with new solutions. And we should strive for architecture quality indicators such as simplicity, expressiveness, orthogonality and symmetry. One way to aim for symmetry is to introduce design guidelines from day 1. Instead of letting developers figure out how to cope with cross cutting concerns such as exception handling, it is better to give them a framework of rules and guidelines.

In summary: design pearls are really nice to look at but ugly to change and extend.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

An Anecdote on Architecture Training

Recently, I gave an architecture training within Siemens. There was another Siemens seminar in the same hotel dealing with project teams.  In one of the breaks, a guy asked me whether I knew more details about this architecture seminar. He could not believe, that someone within Siemens was teaching on building architecture.  I explained to him that the seminar was actually covering software architecture, not building construction. He asked me whether I could recommend the seminar. "Yes, absolutely", I said to him, "to be honest, I am the speaker". What can we learn from this: be cautious if you tell someone you are an architect.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Stop those Control Freaks

Suppose, you are in a meeting with other people. You need more information on the Hubble constant and ask the audience for details. Someone (maybe a friendly physics professor) comes to the white board and explains the theory.

Hmmh, how does that relate to software architecture? If you think about the situation, you'll recognize that the solution is based on a decentralized approach.

Normally, we are more used to centralization. Maybe, we are even addicted to all those centralized concepts. There is a central directory server, a central hub in the EAI solution, a central database, ... But as the example illustrates, sometimes decentralization is the better choice.

In the real life example we have used a P2P concept by leveraging broadband communication - ok, you just spoke very loud so that everyone paid attention to your question. Is this the only way to implement decentralization? No, there are several other alternatives.

For example,  Swarm Intelligence: Suppose, I can't remember where I have parked my car. To increase search speed, all family members will visit different areas to locate the car. All searchers carry mobile phones to communicate with each other. After my wife found the car, she tells everyone where it is.

Another example could be Ad Hoc Networking: In the nearby forest, I find an interesting bird. I tell other people approaching my location about the bird who themselves tell other people who ... After a short period of time the scene is crowded with interested people.  

Decentralized thinking means getting rid of central nodes or central controls. This might increase fault tolerance, but decrease efficiency. Often centralized concepts are mixed with decentralized ones. For example, there might be registries where all possible peers in a P2P network are known.

From an architecture viewpoint, several patterns support decentralization. For instance, the Lookup/Locator pattern, Blackboard architecture pattern, or the Leader/Followers pattern.

One of the qualities we can get from a decentralized system is emergence. The system as a whole reveals smart behavior that is more than just the combination of all nodes. Think of swarm intelligence like in an ant population.

From my viewpoint, decentralization is still neglected in software engineering, especially in software architecture. And as the examples shows, real life offers an abundance of decentralized concepts.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Architecture Design - How deep should it go?

In my last posting I introduced the Onion model for architecture design. Often it is very difficult to determine when architecture design stops and fine-grained design begins. Thus, I am going to illustrate some of my thoughts.

Before you start the most important precondition for architecture design is the availability of

  • the business goal of the software architecture
  • a subset of all requirements (15-30%), but make sure the most important ones are already available
  • a coarse-grained test strategy.

There are different recommendations for architecture design. First of all, I consider it essential to differentiate between strategic design and tactical design:

  • Strategic design is about all those requirements that have a systemic impact on the whole software architecture. Basically, these are the inner layers of the onion. All architecture decisions that do not only reveal a local impact on a component together contribute to architecture design.
  • Tactical design is simply about the rest: all decisions that show only local affects. Interestingly, variability issues often denote tactical design issues, even in product lines. Things like exchangeability of an algorithm only imply, we need to open our strategic architecture to support variation of the particular family of algorithms (a.k.a. strategies).

This definition comes close to what Grady Booch once meant by "software architecture is about the important things".

Another consideration consists of reducing the number of abstractions. This is what I call the Pyramid model:

  • the top of the pyramid is the system itself,
  • the middle layer represents all subsystems,
  • the bottom layer comprises all components the subsystems consist of

For architecture design we should only follow the pyramid model. All abstractions underneath the bottom layer of the pyramid are part of fine-grained design. Note, that it might be subject to your own definition how the system, subsystems, or components of the pyramid model map to the concrete abstractions in your domain. This might look different between an embedded system and an Enterprise SOA system where subsystems might become services.

All architecture decisions should be completely rooted in requirements and risks. All extra add-ons increase complexity and thus decrease simplicity and expressiveness. 

Don't be caught by the trap that architecture is only about problem domain and not about solution domain although you always should strive for keeping your architecture as independent from specific technical issues as possible (always try to defer all technology decisions to a later phase). "Hard" requirements such as "cycle time must not exceed 1 msec" or "use of SQL Server 2003 is mandatory" will be treated as first class requirements. And those requirements may also have systemic impact, thus contributing to strategic design.

In the documentation of your architecture follow a newsletter style. This implies, each artifact (system, subsystem, component) should be explained using a newspaper-like article. Architecture design is just that and no more.

In addition to architecture design you should:

  • specify design and architecture guidelines for all crosscutting concerns. This is best done before architecture design for all important systemic requirements. For other concerns you might create guidelines in parallel to architecture design.
  • create technology prototypes for all important risks. For example, if you need to guarantee 2000 transactions per second, make sure your middleware of choice really supports this requirement.
  • refine the test strategy you should have established after requirements engineering.

These rules of thumb are intentionally somewhat vague. Again, I'd like to refer to Grady Booch in this context: "there is no cookbook for software architecture".

Fortunately, there are some good practices to share.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

The Onion Model

Whenever people ask me how to systematically create an architecture, I present them my Onion Model.
If you like to sow onionan onion, you need some preparation. It is important to take care of the right environment and also to think about the requirements an onion needs to grow and what risks you might encounter. From a business perspective, you should also consider what type of onion you like to harvest, but that's a different story.

The inner core of the onion will be the domain model including all core components, their relationships and interactions.

For the next layers you will need a prioritized list of strategic requirements. These requirements influence systemic architecture decisions. For example, reliability, availability, or security. All of them represent operational requirements that result in specific infrastructures. If performance is the most important operational requirement, you will build a performance layer around the domain logic core. With other words, the domain logic will be embedded into the performance infrastructure. Then you turn to the second most important operational requirement. If security is the number two requirement, your existing onion that consist of the functional core embedded to an performance infrastructure will get wrapped by a security layer. This continues until your architecture is stable.

At the end you need to address tactical issues such as flexibility or maintainability. These will become the outer layers of the onion. For some of them, you will need open up your strategic architecture, for instance, by providing hooks.

Eventually, you'll get an "onion" which was designed with a functional core in mind. All important requirements had an higher impact on the onion than the less important ones which was ensured by priorization of onion layers.