Friday, February 15, 2008

Removing unnecessary abstractions

A good architecture design should always only contain a minimal set of abstractions and dependencies. According to Blaise Pascal a system is simple, when it is not possible to remove something without violating the requirements. Again, we can consider this from an architecture entropy viewpoint. Minimalism and simplicity imply the lowest possible entropy.

Let me give you an example how a design should not look like. Suppose, you are developing a graphical editor. In the first design sketch you introduce an abstraction called Shape with functionality such as Draw(). From this base type you are then inheriting subtypes such as PolygonicShape and RoundedShape. Finally, the abstractions Rectangle and Square and Triangle will become direct descendants of PolygonicShape, and so forth.

After a while you might recognize that it does not make any sense to introduce the intermediary layer consisting of PolygonicShape and RoundedShape. You find out that in your context all concrete classes such as Ellipse, Rectangle, Triangle, ... should be directly derived from Shape, because you don't differentiate between types of shapes in your software.

By removing the intermediary layer you have eliminated unnecessary abstractions and dependencies. Obviously, this also adheres to the KiSS Principle. But why, you may ask, are we not removing Shape too? The answer is very simple: Shape introduces common behavior required to handle all concrete shape subtypes uniformly in the editor. Otherwise, we would need to introduce large switch statements, type codes or reflection mechanisms in several places of our application. Thus, removing Shape would impose a much higher entropy.

As you can surely see, determining the applicability of this architecture refactoring is not trivial, because you need to consider different layers and levels of abstractions in your design. For example, in another context it might be important to introduce intermediary abstractions such as PolygonicShape because you need to treat polygons different from rounded shapes. In this sense truth is always relative.

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