Thursday, February 14, 2008

All about Cycles

Here comes a real world example. In a management application the distributed agents in charge of managed objects (such as routers, load balancers, switches, firewalls) are accessed by a centralized monitoring application.  For this purpose, the sensors offer functionality such as setter/getter functions. The monitoring subsystem inherently depends on the agents it monitors. After a while, the developers of the agent subsystem think about returning time stamps to the monitoring subsystem whenever it requests some information. But where could they obtain these central time stamps? The team decides to add time stamp functionality to the central monitoring subsystem. Unfortunately, the agents now depend on the monitoring subsystem. Developers have established a dependency cycle.

"So, who cares?", you might say. The problem with such circular references is that they add accidental complexity. Mind the implications such as:

  • If there is a cycle within your architecture involving two or more subsystems, you won't be able to test one of the subsystems in isolation without needing to test the other ones.
  • Re-using one of the subsystems in the cycle implies you also need to re-use the other subsystems in the cycle.

It is pretty obvious that dependency cycles are a bad thing. They represent an architectural smell. But how can we cure the problem? Can you hear the horns playing a fanfare? The answer is: by applying an architectural refactoring!

So, how could we get rid of a dependency cycle?

  • Option 1: by redirecting the dependency to somewhere else. In the example above, we could introduce a time subsystem the agents use to obtain time stamps instead of adding this functionality to the monitoring subsystem. This way, we broke the cycle.
  • Option 2: by reversing one of the dependencies. For example if we exchange a publisher/subscriber pull model (event observer itself asking for events) with a push model (event provider always notifies event consumer). Another example is introducing interfaces: instead of letting a component depend on another component we could introduce interfaces. This way, a component always uses interfaces and never component implementations directly.
  • Option 3: by removing the dependency completely if it is not necessary. For example consider Master/Detail relationships in relational databases. Only one dependency direction makes sense here. The other one is obsolete.

Dependency Injection as provided by all those IoC Containers is very helpful to avoid dependency cycles. Even if you got no dependency cycles in your system, you should always avoid unnecessary dependencies - because they inevitably increase entropy and thus the chance of circular references.

But how can we detect such dependency cycles within our system? This is where CQM (Code Quality Management) tools enter the stage. Of course, these tools are not restricted to problems with dependencies. They are also helpful with a lot of other architecture quality related measurements.

Can we always avoid cycles? No, because sometimes they are inherent in the domain. For example, in Microsoft COM due to the usage of reference counting cycles were required in graph structures consisting of COM objects. However, one could certainly ask if the design of COM was appropriate in this respect. But that's a completely different issue.

Thus, the general guideline should always be: avoid unnecessary (accidental) dependencies, break dependency cycles!

1 comment:

Christoph said...

The Acyclic Dependencies Principle (ADP) states that cycles on the code (class) layer are acceptable (though not desirable), but cycles on the design layer (packages) are not. That is, class cycles must not exceed their package boundaries.

In theory, there are no reasons to violate the ADP and there are some projects without a single design tangle (Spring).

In practice, cycles slip in without being discovered. Over time, the code base becomes more and more tangled. At some point its no longer possible to disentangle the design.

So, what's the trick? Monitor and visualize your design with some tool. Discover and kill tangles when they're young!