Sunday, April 08, 2007

Generative Software Architecture

When designing really huge and dynamic software and system infrastructures such as the Internet or cellular networks it is very unlikely to come up with a complete structural design in the beginning. You cannot simply draw some architectural viewpoints that cover those systems as a whole. The reason for this is straightforward: such systems are designed to grow all the time and in unanticipated ways. On one hand these systems represent product line architectures. On the other hand they cannot be treated as such in terms of engineering because they have virtually infinite scope. But how can we successfully design and implement systems of that scale or complexity? You might have encountered the term Ultra Large Scale Systems (ULS) in the past months which exactly deals with this problem. As I already explained in another posting a ULS is a system of systems as Linda Northrop and her peers pointed out. An appropriate metaphor often mentioned in this context is building cities. So far, we have built software systems that resemble building single houses or city blocks. In the next step, we are going to build complete cities and even countries. Complexity represents one of the core problems in developing such large systems, because inherent complexity won't disappear. Hence a possible solution must master complexity instead of getting rid of it. The key strategy as in many other disciplines is emergent behavior. In other words: How can we partition our large problem into a set of simple problems and ways to combine these problems to an overall solution? In the world of software architecture this could basically mean different things depending on the scale we encounter:
  • we could define the basic infrastructure and let complex parts be integrated into this infrastructure
  • we could define a set of rules to dynamically build and evolve such an infrastructure as well decribe integration constraints for parts
    interacting with and over the infrastructure or
  • we could combine the aforementioned approaches by defining a small set of rules and smaller predefined infrastructural parts

Those rules are not only axiomatic rules as in a language grammar, but also define constraints and requirements for the parts that are integrated into the infrastructure. In such an approach, the non-functional properties must be derived from those rules and constraints.
They cannot be evaluated in advance for the reasons already introduced. Obviuosly, to cope with future challenges, such a system must also provide extension rules and hooks to even adapt the infrastructure to changing requirements.If you think about it: Why could we come up with a technology such as the Internet with all of its complexity? Internet technologies already
fulfil the properties mentioned above. The Internet consists of smaller infrastructures, e.g., Internet backbones. Technologies such as IP, DHCP, or DNS define a rather simple (but not simplistic!) rule set for extending and evolving the infrastructure as well as for integrating servers and clients into the infrastructure. All those very simple technologies are combined to a highly evolvable and dynamic, large-scale system which is open for extension. Basically, HTTP and the Web are only one of those extensions. As a real-life example take the brain which consists of rather simple constituents and combinations between those constituents, but reveals the most complex emergent behavior we have ever dealt with. From my viewpoint, we should direct our research activities to those generative architectures, especially when dealing with large-scale software systems. Emergent behavior is the key to master complexity in such systems.

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