Saturday, April 21, 2007

Contracts - continued

There are a lot of potential use cases for contracts:
  • In distributed application environments such as SOA (to add one of the inevitable buzzwords here) the interfaces provided by services and components have to be described by contracts, because generator tools require these contract descriptions to generate proxies and stubs.
  • In a container (no matter whether it is a lightweight container or a heavier one) contracts are required so that a container can handle component deployment in a proper way.
  • Developers may follow the guidelines of contract-based programming as introduced by Bertrand Meyer in Eiffel by leveraging preconditions, postconditions or invariants for their abstract data types.
  • All kinds of unit tests or integration tests require at least implicit knowledge of contracts as contract violations are one potential source of quality problems.
  • Contracts are the means to implement and validate Service Level Agreements.
  • In future scenarios of service compositions quality annotations available in contracts might help to determine if a particular workflow can meet quality requirements such as response times.
  • Security feautures and measures re based on contracts that specify who is allowed to do what in a system.

But how can we describe contracts? This is an important question that has to be addressed in this context. Again, we should differentiate between implicit and explicit contracts.

An implicit contract basically says: here is the implementation and whatever it provides to its consumers or expects from its consumers is part of the contract. Implicit does not necessarily imply that there is no documentation of the contract. There might be comments in the source code that describe pre- and postconditions checked or guaranteed by the implementation. Alternatively, the contract might be documented in an API document.

An explicit contract is a contract that is expressed in a kind of contract DSL. A WSDL description is a typical example of an explicit contract description. Of course, the contract DSL can also be expressed with the means of the underlying programming language such as using annotations in Java or attributes in .NET.Another question in this context is whether contract violations are checked and whey they are checked. If a generator takes a contract DSL and generates implementation artifacts that are compliant with the contract, this helps with automating otherwise tedious and error-prone tasks. However, this is far from being sufficient. What about people taking and extending or changing generated code? Compile time checking of contracts by a compiler reveals the same issues. Runtime checking of contracts is the most secure approach while also causing potential performance penalties. Take security breaches such as buffer overflows as an example for the consuequences of not checking contracts. Or consider Java class loading which is checked at runtime. Another example for runtime contract checking is the .NET CLR security architecture where the security contracts may either be expressed programmatically or descriptively.

In architecture modelling languages such as UML you may apply language features like OCL to describe contracts. Obviously, in software architecture design all contracts must be described explicitely without prescribing how these contracts are eventually mapped to implementation artifacts. How do we determine the contracts of architectural entities? External entities we are integrating should already provide contracts. For all other constituents we should take functional and non-functional requirements as the base to defer contracts. For discussing design using CRC cards we could add contract information either on extra cards annotated to CRC cards or introduce a contract part at the bottom of the CRC card. With other words, contract-based programming should be an important discipline for software engineering in general.

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