Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Aspects r' us

There is a lot of noise about Aspect-Oriented Software Development at the moment. On the other hand, I often hear from people, even from well-known experts that they are sceptical about this paradigm. The reason I hear is that the most cited "killer application" for aspect-orientation is logging and tracing and that even that is not really easily mappable to aspects. Sometimes, I am wondering whether the critics is against AOSD in general or rather applies to AspectJ. I have no doubt that AOSD addresses a valid point. Using OO architects and developers must decide for a specific one-dimensional model how they view their universe which is mostly influenced by the application domain. Unfortunately, the real world is multi-dimensional. In addition to the domain architects must address infastructural aspects and non-functional issues. As a consequence, there are always different perspectives which together shape a multi-dimensional universe. Consequently, the best concept seems to be the initial addressing and planing of all different perspectives and how they need to be combined. Second step is to model the different perspectives. Third step consists of combining these views. Personally, I prefer this concept which HyperJ introduced. Problem: it is often not easy to define the "combine"-operator as the views might even be interdependent. In tools such as AspectJ we basically use multiple two-dimensional views. The basic view is always the domain while the second dimension is determined by a set of aspects. This two-dimensional approach is much easier to use for real-life programming, while the multi-dimensional approach has clear advantages for architecture design.
A valid question in this context always is: should one use AspectJ as a kind of DSL in addition to a programming language such as Java or is it better to apply generative techniques such as MDSD to generate the solution from a DSL? Challenge: the runtime aspects of AspectJ have no counterpart in generative approaches. A possible approach then would be to use integrated DSLs to provide different views in a multi-dimensional approach. For example one DSL for the domain, one for security, one for fault-tolerance. From these descriptions a MDSD generator would then generate Java and AspectJ code. This would make aspects an implementation issue.
No matter how we view it, we always have to cope with multiple dimensions. Unfortunately, as already stated, the number of dimensions is proportional to the complexity of the problem space. Inherent complexity can not be removed (in contrast to accidental complexity). The implication therefore is: either the complexity arises at the OO level or in the architecture or in the DSLs and their combination as well as in the use of these DSLs. Thus, we have to deal with this complexity. Until now no one ever came up with a really complete and consistent solution. Actually, that is exactly the reason why it is so difficult to meet operational and developmental qualities in a software architecture. It is a question of complexity.
From my current viewpoint a combination of domain modeling, AOSD and MDSD seems to promising. But maybe, sometime in the future, someone can come up with the grand unified theory of software engineering.
My conclusion: even if you don't program aspect-oriented and even if you don't use aspects, you will have to deal with them anyway. Thus, tools such as AspectJ are important as thought-provoking mindset.
I am curious about your opinion!

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