Thursday, April 06, 2006

SOA is NOT about Web Services

Recently, I have been involved in a couple of discussions where people complained about the SOA Hype and all those enthusiastic XML Web services celebrations. I wrote an article on SOA for the IEEE Software Issue on Future Trends of Software Architecture which you might read on my web site. Here are my two cents.
  • XML Web services define a kind of meta middleware dedicated to integration problems. If you need to communicate between a Java EE application and a .NET application then XML Web services represent one possible option. There are other alternatives in this scenario such as CORBA or RMI adapters. However, in most situations when you have to cope with heterogeneous systems without control which applications will have to be integrated, then XML Web services are the clear choice.
  • Service-Oriented Architecture as the name implies is not dependent on a specific implementation technology such as XML Web services. Likewise, Object-Oriented Programming is not dependent on Java. Instead, I consider SOA as a set of architectural principles that emphasize loose coupling. I will explain this point in the remainder of this posting.

A typical example for a SOA-compliant technology is regular e-mail. I'd like to present some of the properties of SOA systems using this simple show case.

SOA requires explicit, role-based interfaces for services. Clients do only see interfaces and never implementations. As the bridge pattern is applied, client and server interfaces are implementation-agnostic with respect to each other. Communication between client and interface is provided by standardized protocols.

Applied to e-mail: Mail clients communicate with mail servers using POP3, IMAP or SMTP. As there are no implementation dependencies, a mail client does not need to care about the implementation of the mail server, and vice versa. Thus, you are completely free to use any mail client and mail server if your communication peers abide to the standard protocols and standard interfaces. e-mail is a little bit special in that the services and their semantics are predefined.

SOA communication relies on asynchronous message exchange albeit there might be transparency layers on top providing remote method invocation based communication. Messages are in general dynamically routed, possibly passing through indirection layers.

Applied to e-mail: mails are passed as messages from their origin (client's outbox) to their destination (recipient's inbox) passing different intermediate layers. That means for example that you are not blocked even if your communication peer hasn't yet received your mail.

SOA messages denote standardized documents with different sections such as body or headers. Multiple messages may be used to transmit data in chunks, if necessary. The header usually contains data related to cross-cutting concerns such as routing, attachments, security. The body content may be predefined between the communicating peers or be totally applications-specific.

Applied to e-mail: mails are sent using mail header and mail body. All content must comply with MIME types. That is the only constraint but is not really a constraint in fact.

SOA message exchange patterns relate different messages with each other to introduce additional communication styles such as request/response or oneway. Another example is the return of fault messages upon error situations.

Applied to e-mail: requiring a receiver to send an acknowledgement is the typical example. And what about failure scenarios? When a receiver is not recognized an error message is returned to the sender.

In SOA systems business processes are first class entities. Business processes introduce domain specific languages to combine distributed services to whole workflows. Note that business processes are not just sequential invocations of services. Instead, properties might be applied to complete workflows such as transaction contexts or other kinds of coordination.

Applied to e-mail: this is not directly supported. Instead, such workflows are implemented by applications or human interaction.

This concludes my discussion on e-mail as a SOA implementation example. Another example for a SOA based implementation technology is Messaging middleware such as MSMQ or MQSeries.

Loose coupling is the central mantra of all SOA architecture principles. Don't let vendors or press media fool you. SOA is NOT about XML Web services. Instead, it denotes an architectural paradigm for distributed computing that can be implemented using different technology options. Does it solve all problems? Ideally, it is applicable to all problem domains with inherent loose coupling of distributed entities. But it is counterproductive to apply the SOA paradigm in problem contexts where tight coupling is mandatory such as in several embedded or realtime systems. One could argue that in the end every distribution middleware relies in its bottom layers on SOA based communication such as TCP/IP. But that argument resembles the argumentation that we could implement all our software systems using machine code.

Bottom line: Always use the abstraction layer that helps building your system effectively and efficiently. Don't accept software development projects to be influenced by inadequate personal technology preferences or political decisions.

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