Thursday, April 27, 2006


Every year a lot of interesting conferences and events on software engineering take place world-wide, especially on Object-Oriented Programming and related topics. Unfortunately, there are too many events. It is impossible to attend even the most exciting ones. The big ones like JAX, OOP, OOPSLA or JAOO are cool because they offer conference programmes where everyone should be able to find her or his favourite topics covered by some superb experts. And, you can meet so many people there. Definitely, a good opportunity to strengthen your social network. On the other hand, big conferences tend to be more formalized, organized, and commercialized. In the last few years, I increasingly enjoy attending that small events which offer excellent topics and speakers, somewhere in small places. That's one of the reasons why I am really sorry that the TOOLS conferences have been cancelled a few years ago. These events organized by Bertrand Meyer were absolute highlights. Fortunately, there are other small events that I would recommend. One of them is coming really soon and I will be personally involved as a speaker. It is the EXPO-C conference in Karlskrona, Sweden, to be more concrete. I will give a full day tutorial on Software Architecture and also speak on SOA. But that's not the reason why I am blogging about this event. They really got exciting speakers, talking about things such as Ruby, C#, Haskell, Software Architecture. This is more an event on languages in a broad sense, as the organizers explain. And of course, it is an event in Sweden. I have never been there, but I guess you'll meet the same friendly and smart people there as in Denmark, Norway, or Finland. If you got curious, here is your chance. You should definitely take a look at:

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