Sunday, January 23, 2011

Where we can meet

I will participate in the OOP Conference 2011 in Munich which starts on Monday, the 24th January.

  • Tuesday morning I will talk on Design Tactics
  • Tuesday evening I will present Actor-based Programming
  • Wednesday evening my Scala tutorial will take place
  • Tuesday and Thursday I will also have the Meet-the-Editor events each 30 minutes where you might talk to me in my role as editor-in-chief of JavaSPEKTRUM
  • Tuesday evening I will act in the IT Stammtisch organized by the unique and nice Nikolai Josuttis. So, if you would like to see me very uncomfortable, you should definitely attend this panel show.

I will also attend the QCon 2011 in London (7th to 11th March) where I will

  • have a tutorial on functional programming with Scala and F# on monday
  • host a track on Software Architecture Improvement at wednesday (talking myself in the introductory session)
  • present the Onion model in Floyd’s track about models

Hope to meet you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Michael,

I participated in OOP2011 and I found your Design Tactics presentation very interesting. Would you be able to point me to some books/tools/techniques measuring the quality of a system's architecture and setting up software metrics in general?

Thanks in advance for your help

Kind regards

Achilleas Voutsas