Saturday, September 05, 2009

Vacation - the end is near

The last weeks I have relaxed a lot: visiting Dresden, running, swimming and biking, as well as practicing with my DSLR. In addition, I read two books on Scala, updated an article on D (the language), installed several apps on my IPhone (yag – yet another gadget),  prepared slides for ADC 2009 and OOP 2010, participated in a new episode for our SoftwareArchitecTOUR podcast, … and spent a little time on further expanding my work on architecture refactoring.

However, I intentionally did not work on software architecture or on this blog. This will change beginning with upcoming monday. Now, that I got some new and fresh ideas, I can continue my journey on software architecture issues.

By the way: I did not mention it so far but maybe you like to follow me on twitter (username: stal_m).

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