Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Michael's Event Calendar


  • In September I will visit my colleagues in Bangalore and give a seminar on Distributed System Architecture.
  • On 14th October I will give a keynote on COMPARCH 2008 in Karlsruhe. I was invited by Ralf Reussner and Clemens Szyperski, two well-known gurus on architecture and components. Guess, what topic I will cover? Yes, architecture refactoring, my preferred topic these days. 
  • Originally, I planned to attend this year's OOPSLA conference in Nashville. I have two accepted tutorials, one on high quality software architecture, the other one on Software Architecture Refactoring. Unfortunately, I am so busy within Siemens that I won't make it to the OOPSLA. However, an excellent member of my staff will give the two tutorials instead. Marwan is not an emergency solution but an excellent architect himself, formerly working for Lufthansa Systems. You will have a lot of fun attending our two tutorials. Mentally, I will be there, of course :-)
  • In November I will most likely be invited to the Microsoft TechED in Barcelona giving two talks.
  • In December I will be available on a panel at the Service Wave Conference of the European NESSI initiative.
  • In January 2009 there is my local event, the OOP 2009 in Munich. I don't yet know what topics I will address but be sure I will be around :-)
  • I am planing to submit for next year's ACCU in Oxford (April).

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