Saturday, January 12, 2008

OOP Conference 2008

Only as a side remark. I will participate in this year's OOP conference giving a talk and a tutorial. Note: the presentation language will be german.

  • In the talk I will address Software Architecture Refactoring, currently my favorite topic. As far as I have heard over 170 people already have already registered for the talk. I am quire impressed how many people are interested in the topic. On the other side, architecture refactoring is something new (which really strike me when I came up with this field because I assumed that almost every architect should have knowledge in this field)
  • In the full day tutorial (on friday, the 25th January) I will introduce SOA with .NET. Despite of the title, the tutorial could also be interesting for people not interested in .NET, as I also will include many parts that address SOA in a more general way. But, of course, technologies such as WCF, WF and BizTalk will get sufficient coverage.

If you are planning to attend any of these events, don't hesitate to approach me.

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