Friday, July 13, 2007

Post Mortem

Did you ever observe small children when they are learning new capabilities such as walking or biking? They are not masters from the beginning, but step by step they are able to improve their skills until they reach a level of mastership. Do they give up in the case of failure? Only in rare cases! Instead, they mostly learn from their failures.
Did you ever observe software architects in projects when they are developing new products or solutions? How do they deal with failures? Interestingly, whole organizations and individual architects only seldomly learn from failure. Failures are not really impressive in any performance review or project meeting. That's the reason why they are often ignored or even forgotten. How often in your career de-ja-vouz situations appeared where you couldn't believe that the same errors were made again and again even by smart people?
Now, think about famous inventions such as the light bulb? Inventors and scientists such as Thomas Alva Edison succeed because they continuously reflect about their own activities and leverage failures in a constructive way.
So what conclusions should be drawn? If you like to find the right direction in a labyrinth use an Ariadne thread. Whenever you encounter a dead end reflect and then try a new direction. Or shortly: learn from failure!
Software architecture design is complex as you need to balance multiple and sometimes even interdependent forces. Thus, failure is a fact and not a seldom accident with respect to software development activities. There is a whole range of possible failures. In the small, some design decisions might be wrong. In the large, the whole architecture respectively project might fail. The best way to deal with such situations is analysing when and why wrong decisions were made that lead to the failure and which alternative decisions would have been the right ones. Agile processes explicitly consider the possibility of failure introducing practices such as testing and refactoring.
I made the experience that a post mortem analysis of any project (also known as architecture review) is really helpful to learn and improve my own skills and experiences as a software architect. Of course, this also holds for projects where you were not involved. Unfortunately, western culture does not really motivate writing articles about projects that failed.
The same "learning from failure" pattern does not only apply for software artifacts but also for software development activities. In the ideal case we would reflect over our results and activities daily. Correcting a wrong direction early is rather inexpensive. Correcting it lately will require substantial corrections. Shouldn't a culture of learning from failure be an important part of any (development) process?
Software architecture is the core asset of any software product and determines the quality of the result. Failure in software architecture activities has a significant impact on the implementation. Needless to say that failures must be handled with care, explicitly analysed and addressed by architects.

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