Saturday, September 28, 2024

Hitchhiker‘s Guide to Vogon Culture

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Vogons: A Comprehensive Overview


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy famously notes that if there is one species you should never, under any circumstances, attempt to reason with, it’s the Vogons. Their love for bureaucracy, their complete lack of empathy, and their talent for creating the third worst poetry in the universe have made them a cosmic byword for misery and paperwork. The Guide goes on to describe the Vogons as "slug-like creatures" whose devotion to form-filling, stamping, and the regulation of intergalactic travel is rivaled only by their enthusiasm for torturing other species through mind-numbing bureaucracy.

This chapter offers a comprehensive guide to all things Vogon, including their language, legal systems, court scenarios, reproduction, and, of course, their utterly joyless social life. Read on at your own risk.

Chapter 1: The Vogon Language

Vogon language, much like the creatures themselves, is a harsh, guttural, and needlessly complex form of communication designed to cause maximum discomfort to the listener. The Vogon language is characterized by awkward consonant clusters, over-enunciated vowels, and a grammatical structure so convoluted that entire civilizations have been known to collapse after merely attempting to translate one Vogon court document.

Phonetics and Phonology

Vogon speech is designed to be as unappealing as possible, with a reliance on guttural consonants and nasal vowels. Words typically follow a C-C-V-C pattern (Consonant-Consonant-Vowel-Consonant), with consonants clustering at the beginning and end of words.

Example: Splornk (spaceship).

Stress patterns are equally jarring, with stress usually placed on the first syllable, though formal Vogon speech tends to randomly stress syllables to complicate things further. This makes the language sound as though the speaker is both complaining and issuing a bureaucratic directive at the same time.


The Vogon language utilizes a highly convoluted grammar system that ensures even the simplest statement is buried under layers of nested clauses, bureaucratic redundancies, and arbitrary pronoun shifts.

  • Sentence Structure: VSO (Verb-Subject-Object) is the default word order. However, to confuse others (and themselves), Vogons often switch to SOV or even scrambled orders during formal exchanges.
  • Example: Nzzif kaak splornk. Translation: "I destroy the spaceship."
  • Verb Conjugation: Vogon verbs are conjugated for tense, mood, voice, and emotional state. In particular, verbs take on additional suffixes depending on how annoyed the speaker is, a feature that is used frequently.
  • Annoyance Level Example: Nzzifrk (I slightly destroy) → Nzzifgrrrrk (I completely destroy, out of utter frustration).
  • Pronouns: Vogon pronouns are unnecessarily complex, changing based on mood, hierarchy, and disdain for the listener.
  • Examples: Kaak (I, formal), Zagg (you, informal but polite), Thnggrz (they, bureaucratic third-party).

Advanced Vogon Poetry

Vogon poetry is considered the third worst in the universe, and for good reason. Full of meaningless metaphors, awkward sounds, and forced rhyme schemes, Vogon poetry is a tool of torture. Here’s an example:

"Fnorg tzzzl brrzl splornk,
Grzzrk Urrghk tssnif plrnkk.
Fnarrt zzgrk blorrrkfl tzrk,
Thrurg splurtz zzrrrk thrrknk."

Translation: "Life and paperwork is meaningless,
The love of form is all but endless.
Rot and decay fill my soul,
The smell of green is a terrible toll."

Chapter 2: Vogon Bureaucracy

Vogons have elevated bureaucracy to an art form. If you ever find yourself dealing with a Vogon, it is essential to understand that their minds operate on a single principle: the more forms, the better. There is nothing the Vogons enjoy more than filling out forms in triplicate and forcing others to do the same.

Legal Texts

Vogon legal documents are designed to confuse, confound, and trap the reader in an endless cycle of paperwork. Filled with multiple nested clauses, contradictory requirements, and circular references, a single Vogon legal document can take years to decode.

Example of a Legal Document:

Title: Form 78-L: Authorization for Minor Interplanetary Travel (Revision 56-J)

Section 1: General Requirements
"Splurnkfnrgrr splurtzn thzzrkfnr form 92-B, to be submitted in quadruplicate along with supporting documentation, referencing Appendix 12-F and Clause 43-E."

Translation: "The applicant must submit form 92-B, along with multiple supporting forms, unless an additional form overrides the request, in which case further clarification will be required."

Court Scenarios

Vogon courtrooms are places of immense tedium, where legal cases are decided based not on evidence or logic but on how many forms the litigants have filed. The judge, typically a Supreme Bureaucrat, evaluates not the arguments, but the accuracy of the paperwork.

Example Dialogue in a Vogon Courtroom:

Judge (Supreme Bureaucrat Fnarrpftjrl):
"Tssrkfnll splornkfnrgr splurtzzkr tssrkzn form 92-C, in compliance with subsections 43-F and 99-Q, I declare that the claimant has failed to submit the proper forms for cross-examination. Case dismissed!"

Claimant (Vogon A):
"Fnzzgrptzn kaak splurtfnrll form 42-B, thzzrkzn brrzlgn form fnzzkrk!"
Translation: "I have already filed form 42-B, with supporting documentation."

Chapter 3: Vogon Reproduction

One might hope that a species so dispassionate and bureaucratic would have an equally sterile approach to reproduction, and they would be right. For Vogons, reproduction is not an act of love or intimacy, but a tedious and necessary bureaucratic process, regulated by government forms and monitored by officials.

The Reproductive Process

  1. Filing for Reproduction Approval: Vogons must submit Form 54-R: Reproduction Request to the Bureau of Species Continuation. This form must be submitted in quadruplicate, along with supporting documentation such as the Individual Fitness Report and the Reproduction Quota Compliance Form.
  2. Official Selection of Mates: Mating is not a personal choice. The Bureau of Genetic Appropriateness selects mates based on genetic fitness and bureaucratic rank. Once paired, the couple receives an Official Reproduction License (Form 78-B).
  3. Clinical Reproduction: Vogon reproduction likely takes place in designated reproduction centers, where the process is monitored to ensure all steps are followed correctly. Physical contact is minimal, and reproduction may even be artificial, with in vitro fertilization preferred for its efficiency.
  4. Post-Reproduction Paperwork: After reproduction, the couple is required to submit Form 43-R: Reproduction Completion, outlining the details of the procedure. This is followed by Growth and Development Reports and Education Authorization Forms for the offspring.

Chapter 4: Vogon Social Life

If you're picturing a Vogon social gathering as a lively event filled with conversation, laughter, and joy, then you clearly have no understanding of Vogons. Social interactions among Vogons are cold, formal, and revolve around their one true passion: bureaucracy.

Social Hierarchy

In Vogon society, status is determined by one's position in the bureaucratic system. The higher a Vogon's rank, the more respect they command. The most powerful Vogons are the Supreme Bureaucrats, while the lowest-ranking are Junior Clerks tasked with filing endless paperwork.

Social Events

Vogons do not host parties, as those would imply enjoyment. Instead, they participate in form-signing ceremonies and public readings of bureaucratic documents.

  • Form-Signing Ceremonies: When a major form (such as an interstellar travel permit) is signed, Vogons hold a formal gala where the form is signed in triplicate, reviewed, stamped, and filed.
  • Public Readings: High-ranking bureaucrats read aloud especially complex forms, much to the admiration of lower-ranking Vogons, who attempt to decipher the labyrinthine clauses.

Romantic Life

In typical Vogon fashion, romantic interactions are devoid of affection. Romantic conversations, if they can be called that, often involve sarcastic compliments about bureaucratic efficiency.

Example of Romantic Dialogue:

Vogon A (Krzzrk A):
"Grzzxlzzx urrghkrk fnzzgrpt kaak splurtfnll zzfnrrkn."
Translation: "Your bureaucratic skills are unmatched, and your form-filing technique is impeccable."

Chapter 5: Vogon Punishments

For Vogons, the most effective punishments are bureaucratic. Rather than physical penalties, guilty parties are subjected to form overloads or bureaucratic imprisonment.

Form Overload

The guilty party must submit hundreds of forms in a limited time, each with its own supporting documentation. Any errors result in the entire process restarting.

Bureaucratic Imprisonment

The most severe punishment. The convicted Vogon is confined to a room filled with forms to complete, with new forms arriving faster than they can be filed.


The Vogon way of life is a model of how not to run a civilization. Their language, legal system, reproduction, and social interactions are all dominated by a fanatical adherence to rules and regulations. Vogons have perfected the art of making life as joyless and cumbersome as possible, and they take great pride in that accomplishment.

As the Guide wisely advises, if you ever encounter a Vogon, there’s really only one thing you can do: run. If they don’t get you with their bureaucracy, they’ll surely get you with their poetry.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Technical Debt Records (TDRs) and the Tool to Create Them


In today's fast-paced software development landscape, teams face the challenge of continuously delivering new features while maintaining code quality. This often leads to compromises known as **Technical Debt**. To systematically document and manage this debt, **Technical Debt Records (TDRs)** have emerged as a vital tool. This article explores the significance of TDRs, how they benefit developers, architects, and testers, and introduces a tool that simplifies the creation of TDRs.

What are Technical Debt Records (TDRs)?

A **Technical Debt Record (TDR)** is a structured document that captures details about technical debt within a software project. Technical debt arises when short-term solutions are chosen for immediate gains, leading to increased maintenance costs, reduced performance, or other long-term disadvantages. TDRs provide a clear overview of existing technical debt, its impacts, and the measures needed to address it.

Motivation for TDRs

Unmanaged technical debt can accumulate over time, resulting in significant negative consequences:

- **Code Quality:** Increased maintenance efforts and declining code quality.
- **Scalability:** Challenges in scaling and adapting the software.
- **Performance:** Potential performance degradation due to suboptimal implementations.
- **Risk Management:** Elevated risks of system failures or security vulnerabilities.

By systematically documenting technical debt through TDRs, teams can proactively identify, prioritize, and address these issues before they become unmanageable.

Benefits of TDRs for Developers, Architects, and Testers

For Developers:

- **Transparency:** Clear documentation of existing technical debt enhances understanding of the codebase.
- **Prioritization:** Helps focus on critical areas that require immediate attention.
- **Reusability:** Awareness of known issues prevents duplicate efforts in troubleshooting and fixing problems.

For Architects:

- **Strategic Planning:** Assists in planning refactoring efforts and architectural improvements.
- **Risk Assessment:** Evaluates the impact of technical debt on the overall system architecture.
- **Decision-Making:** Provides data-driven insights for making informed decisions about system evolution.

For Testers:

- **Focused Testing:** Knowledge of problematic areas allows for more targeted and effective testing strategies.
- **Enhanced Test Coverage:** Ensures that areas affected by technical debt receive adequate testing attention.
- **Quality Assurance:** Guarantees that resolved debts contribute to overall software quality improvements.

The TDR Template and Its Fields

A well-structured TDR template is crucial for effective documentation of technical debt. The tool we present generates TDRs with the following fields:

1. **Title:** A concise name for the technical debt.
2. **Author:** The individual who identified or is documenting the debt.
3. **Version:** The version of the project or component where the debt exists.
4. **Date:** The date when the debt was identified or recorded.
5. **State:** The current workflow stage of the technical debt (e.g., Identified, Analyzed, Approved, In Progress, Resolved, Closed, Rejected).
6. **Relations:** Links to other related TDRs to establish connections between different debt items.
7. **Summary:** A brief overview explaining the nature and significance of the technical debt.
8. **Context:** Detailed background information, including why the debt was incurred (e.g., time constraints, outdated technologies).
9. **Impact:**
   - **Technical Impact:** How the debt affects system performance, scalability, maintainability, etc.
   - **Business Impact:** The repercussions on business operations, customer satisfaction, risk levels, etc.
10. **Symptoms:** Observable signs indicating the presence of technical debt (e.g., frequent bugs, slow performance).
11. **Severity:** The criticality level of the debt (Critical, High, Medium, Low).
12. **Potential Risks:** Possible adverse outcomes if the debt remains unaddressed (e.g., security vulnerabilities, increased costs).
13. **Proposed Solution:** Recommended actions or strategies to resolve the debt.
14. **Cost of Delay:** Consequences of postponing the resolution of the debt.
15. **Effort to Resolve:** Estimated resources, time, and effort required to address the debt.
16. **Dependencies:** Other tasks, components, or external factors that the resolution of the debt depends on.
17. **Additional Notes:** Any other relevant information or considerations related to the debt.

Rationale for the `State` Field

The `State` field reflects the workflow stages of handling technical debt. It helps track the progress of each debt item and ensures that no debts remain unattended. The defined states are:

- **Identified:** The technical debt has been recognized.
- **Analyzed:** The impact and effort required to address the debt have been assessed.
- **Approved:** The resolution of the technical debt has been approved.
- **In Progress:** Work to resolve the technical debt is underway.
- **Resolved:** The technical debt has been addressed.
- **Closed:** The technical debt record is closed.
- **Rejected:** The resolution of the technical debt has been rejected.

Adjusting Fields Based on State

When initially identifying a technical debt, some fields may remain empty and be filled out as the debt progresses through different states:

- **Initial Identification (`Identified`):**
  - **Filled:** Title, Author, Version, Date, State, Summary, Context.
  - **Empty:** Impact, Symptoms, Severity, Potential Risks, Proposed Solution, Cost of Delay, Effort to Resolve, Dependencies, Additional Notes.

- **Analysis Phase (`Analyzed`):**
  - **Filled:** All fields from `Identified` plus Impact, Symptoms, Severity, Potential Risks.

- **Approval Phase (`Approved`):**
  - **Filled:** All previous fields plus Proposed Solution, Cost of Delay.

- **Implementation Phase (`In Progress`):**
  - **Filled:** All previous fields plus Effort to Resolve, Dependencies.

- **Completion Phase (`Resolved` & `Closed`):**
  - **Filled:** All fields including Additional Notes.

This phased approach ensures that TDRs remain up-to-date and accurately reflect the current status of each technical debt item.

The Tool to Create TDRs

Our **TDR Generator** is a Go-based tool that automates the creation of Technical Debt Records in multiple formats. It supports **Markdown**, **Plain ASCII**, **PDF**, and **Excel**, facilitating integration into various development and documentation workflows.

Features of the TDR Generator

- **User-Friendly:** Interactive prompts guide users through filling out TDR fields.
- **Flexible:** Supports multiple output formats to suit different documentation needs.
- **Automatic Validation:** Ensures input completeness and correctness.
- **Version Control Integration:** Easily check TDRs into systems like Git or SVN.

Repository and Installation

The TDR Generator is available on GitHub. You can access the repository [here](

Installation Steps:

1. **Clone the Repository:**

   git clone
   cd technical-debt-generator

2. **Initialize the Go Module:**

   go mod init technical_debt_generator

3. **Install Dependencies:**

   The program relies on two external libraries:
   - `gofpdf` for PDF generation.
   - `excelize` for Excel file creation.

   Install them using:

   go get
   go get

4. **Save the Program:**

   Create a file named `generate-td.go` and paste the complete program code provided above into it.

Using the TDR Generator

The program can be executed via the command line with various options to customize the output.

Available Options:

- `-format`: Specifies the output format. Supported formats are:
  - `markdown` (default)
  - `ascii`
  - `pdf`
  - `excel`


  ./generate_td -format pdf

- `-output`: (Optional) Specifies the output filename. If not provided, a default filename with the appropriate extension is generated based on the selected format.


  ./generate_td -format markdown -output

- `-empty`: (Optional) If set, the program generates an empty TDR template with placeholders without prompting for input.


  ./generate_td -format excel -empty

- `--help` or `-h`: Displays a help message with usage instructions.


  ./generate_td --help
Interactive Prompts:

When generating a non-empty TDR, the program will interactively prompt you to enter values for each field, including the new `State` field.

**Sample Interaction:**

./generate_td -format markdown

Enter the Title of the Technical Debt: Outdated Authentication Library
Enter the Author of the Document: Jane Doe
Enter the Version (e.g., 1.0.0): 1.2.3
Enter the Date (YYYY-MM-DD) [Leave blank for today]: 

Select the State of the Technical Debt:
  1) Identified
  2) Analyzed
  3) Approved
  4) In Progress
  5) Resolved
  6) Closed
  7) Rejected
Enter the number corresponding to the state: 2

Enter related Technical Debt IDs (leave blank to finish):
 - Related TD ID: TD-101
 - Related TD ID: TD-202
 - Related TD ID: 

Enter Summary: The current authentication library is outdated and poses security risks.
Enter Context: Selected early to meet project deadlines, now incompatible with new security standards.
Enter Technical Impact: Incompatibility with the latest framework version.
Enter Business Impact: Increased risk of security breaches affecting customer trust.
Enter Symptoms: Frequent security audit failures and increased bug reports.
Enter Severity (Critical / High / Medium / Low): High
Enter Potential Risks: Data breaches, legal liabilities, and loss of customer trust.
Enter Proposed Solution: Replace the outdated library with a modern, well-supported alternative.
Enter Cost of Delay: Each month of delay increases security vulnerabilities and complicates future upgrades.
Enter Effort to Resolve: Approximately 6 weeks for two developers.
Enter Dependencies: Completion of the ongoing security audit.
Enter Additional Notes: Coordination with the operations team for seamless integration.

Technical Debt record has been saved to ''.

Output Files:

Depending on the selected format, the program generates the TDR in the specified format:

- **Markdown (`.md`):** Structured and readable documentation suitable for version control and collaborative editing.
- **Plain ASCII (`.txt`):** Simple text format for basic documentation needs.
- **PDF (`.pdf`):** Portable Document Format for sharing and printing.
- **Excel (`.xlsx`):** Spreadsheet format for data analysis and integration with other tools.

Best Practices

Version Control Integration

**Technical Debt Records (TDRs)** are valuable documents that should be maintained alongside your codebase. To ensure that TDRs are effectively tracked and managed, consider the following best practices:

1. **Check TDRs into Version Control:**

   - **Git:** Commit TDRs to your Git repository alongside your code. This approach ensures that TDRs are versioned and can be reviewed, branched, and merged similarly to your source code.
     git add
     git commit -m "Add TDR for Outdated Authentication Library"
     git push origin main

   - **SVN:** Similarly, commit TDRs to your SVN repository to maintain version history and collaboration.

2. **Organize TDRs:**

   - **Directory Structure:** Maintain a dedicated directory (e.g., `/docs/tdrs/`) within your repository to store all TDRs. This organization facilitates easy navigation and management.
   - **Naming Conventions:** Use clear and consistent naming conventions for TDR files, such as `TDR-<ID>-<Title>.<extension>`. For example, ``.

3. **Link TDRs with Issues or ADRs:**

   - **Issue Tracking Integration:** Reference TDRs in your issue tracker (e.g., Jira, GitHub Issues) to provide context and track resolution progress.
   - **Architecture Decision Records (ADRs):** Link related ADRs to TDRs to maintain a comprehensive documentation trail of architectural decisions and their technical debt implications.

4. **Regular Review and Updates:**

   - **Periodic Audits:** Schedule regular reviews of TDRs to assess their current state, prioritize resolutions, and update statuses as work progresses.
   - **Continuous Improvement:** Encourage team members to document new technical debt promptly and update existing TDRs to reflect any changes.

5. **Access Control:**

   - **Permissions:** Ensure that only authorized team members can create, modify, or delete TDRs to maintain data integrity and accountability.
   - **Collaboration:** Use version control features like pull requests or merge requests to facilitate collaborative reviews and approvals of TDRs.


**Technical Debt Records (TDRs)** are an indispensable tool for managing technical debt in software projects. They provide transparency, facilitate prioritization, and support strategic decisions to enhance code quality and system architecture. The introduced **TDR Generator** simplifies the creation of these essential documents and integrates seamlessly into existing development and version control workflows.

By consistently utilizing TDRs and integrating them into your version control systems like Git or SVN, teams can effectively manage technical debt, ensuring the long-term health and maintainability of their software projects.


Saturday, July 13, 2024

AI is not about Intelligence

 I am now working on AI topics for several years. As you all know, the current enthusiasm is bot mind-blowing and terrifying.  Laymen often tell me what they think AI is all about. In most cases, they assume AI algorithms, in particular LLMs, are smart in a human sense.

No, they are not smart like humans. Their behavior makes us think they are. I can understand why people are surprised whenever  LLMs provide some elaborate and sophisticated answers.  In reality all of their replies are based on statistics and giant sets of training data. 

It is the same for artificial neural networks (ANN). An ANN is trained with large datasets  in a process called supervised learning.  The outcome of each inference is a probability function. If you teach a CNN network how a cat or dog looks like, it will find some commonalities respectively patterns of each class (such as dog or cat). Given a picute it has not seen before  it just estimates how close the subject in this picture resembles a cat, a dog or anything else. When you feed it with a picture of a cat, it'll only be able to respond that this could be a cat with a probability of 91.65%.

The same holds for transformer models (encoders, decoders) in LLMs. They are trained with a huge amount of documents to create embeddings. These are just vectors that describe in which context a specific fragment is typically being used. To create answers, LLM implementations need to understand the meaning of the prompt,and eventually to create a reply, word by word, where each succeeding word is determined by a probability function. Actually this actual process is much more complex and sophisticated, but the principle remains the same.

What is missing in AI to call them smart in a human sense?

  • Lack of proactivity: AI algorithms only react to input. They are not capable of proactive behavior.
  • No consciousness: They have no consciousness and cannot reflect on themselves. 
  • Lack of free will: This is a consequence of AI lacking proactivity and consciousness. An AI provides answers but makes no decisions.
  • No emotions: AIs can recognize the emotions of humans, for example, by performing a sentiment analysis or by observing gestures. However, they cannot experience their own emotions such as feeling empathy.
  • Learning from Failure: AI is not able to learn from its own errors. And obviously there is no way to interactively teach an AI about its mistakes so that it can dynamically adapt. Errors or biases can only be eliminated by changing the training data or the algorithms which at the end of the day results in a new AI.
  • Constraints: An AI is constrained by the input it receives. It is not able to observe its enviroment outside of its cage.
  • Fear of death: An AI does not care about whether it lives or not. This might sound rather philosophical but is a valid aspect, given the way intelligent life behaves. 
Unfortunately, the Turing test is not able to decide whether an AI is intelligent. It can only figure out whether an AI seems to be intelligent. 

What do you think? How could an appropriate test look like?