This year the German event SEACON 2011 is taking place from 27th to 29th June. The venue is the Atlantik-Hotel in Hamburg, a very nice location famous for its permanent guest, German Pop/Rock Tycoon Udo Lindenberg.
I was responsible to organize the architecture day on 29th June. And we managed to get excellent speakers covering a lot of interesting architecture topics. Jim Webber from Thoughtworks is going to give the keynote address: “Lessons learned in large HTTP-centric Systems”. Attendees will also have the opportunity to visit half-day tutorials on Dynamic Software Analysis (Johannes Siedersleben) and Software Quality (Erik Dörnenburg). In addition, the agenda is filled with excellent talks by renowned speakers and practitioners.
For software architects this will be a highlight in 2011. The event SEACON Architecture Day might become an established event on Software Architecture. It is up to you. Attend and enjoy!